Patron support spanning decades
It’s impossible to practice my craft day in, day out without others there to lift you up. If the input and zeal I put into music yielded a commensurate amount of financial stability, I probably wouldn’t have to rely on anything but my fiddle.
The reality is that without the help of so many fine people, I couldn’t pursue classical music. Here is a list of incredible individuals & institutions that have made my artistic life possible:
My wonderful wife Grace, my parents Peter & Ruth, Eric Hoffman, Mag Bartley, Frank Hilf, Charles Carleton, Jesse Robbins, Deborah Dumont, Jan Moor-Jankowski, Paul & Wendy Siegfried, Gavin Anderson, Michael Harris, Lara St. John, Greg & Christine Buchanan, Shari St. John, Robinson Rodriguez, Ben Kerman, Steve Tjoa, Raphael Gold, David Vigliano, Howard Cass, Jeff Phillips, Anthony Lane, Gregg Alf, Christopher Germain, Lee Phillips, Michele Lombardo, Rob Smiley, Adam Donovan, David Anderson, Harriet Jones, Jerry Kuderna, Rev. Eric A. Joseph … my loving & wise music instructors, The University of Indiana, The Juilliard School, The Charles H. Ivey Foundation and The Canadian Council for the Arts.